Pointe 180 II Biochemistry Analyser is a compact bench-top analyser with increasing demand within the in-vitro diagnostic industry. Designed for the processing of biochemistries, tube method immunoassays, and drug assays from human serum, plasma, or urine. Its development have led innovative and cutting-edge diagnostic solution for hospitals, clinical, research and molecular labs, food testing, forensic toxicology, veterinary labs and life sciences.
The analyser is provided with 43 pre-programmed test parameters and is capable of storing up to 120 assays in memory for later recall.

Point 180 II biochemistry analyser specialises in performing tests on whole blood, serum and plasma to determine concentrations of analytes to provide certain hematology values and to assay certain therapeutic drugs which helps diagnose and treat numerous diseases, including diabetes, cancer, HIV, STD, hepatitis, kidney conditions, fertility, and thyroid problems.
Key Features & Benefits:

Available Clinical Chemistry Reagents:

Environment of use
– Clinical laboratory
– Physician office
– Hospitals & Clinics
For more information on Biochemistry Analysers, please contact us at: sales@tlipng.com
Quality. Safety. Reliability. Affordability.
We supply a wide range of medical equipment from emergency, diagnostic, intensive care and operating theatre. With 28 years experience as a healthcare partner in care, we can create customised solutions for all requirements.
TLI pledges to extend quality service to its customers through its strong team of individuals. Our sales team is proud to offer its expert guidance and advice to its demanding customers.
For more info, please contact us below:

TLI Haus, Hubert Murray HW, Badili, P.O.Box 3051, Boroko, N.C.D, Papua New Guinea
T: (+675) 320 0651 F: (+675) 320 0751
E: sales@tlipng.com W: www.tlipng.com