Creation Clic Revolution

CREATION CLIC [R]EVOLUTION: the ideal solution when time is money.  CREATION CLIC [R]EVOLUTION is a loose lay luxury vinyl plank which combines warmth and style of a wood design with the performance of a vinyl floor. It has an innovative and unique vertical clicking system and is laid without an adhesive which makes it one of Read more about Creation Clic Revolution[…]

Mipolam 180 Commercial Vinyl flooring

Excellent durability, reliability, ease of maintenance and endless design opportunities Mipolam 180 is a professional vinyl floor with high quality, resilience and durability. With  a life span of more than a , Mipolam 180 does offers the best flooring system for facilities with high traffic areas. It is less expensive than ceramic or wood, extremely durable, Read more about Mipolam 180 Commercial Vinyl flooring[…]

Biochemistry Analyser

Pointe 180 II Biochemistry Analyser is a compact bench-top analyser with increasing demand within the in-vitro diagnostic industry. Designed for the processing of biochemistries, tube method immunoassays, and drug assays from human serum, plasma, or urine. Its development have led innovative and cutting-edge diagnostic solution for hospitals, clinical, research and molecular labs, food testing, forensic toxicology, veterinary labs and life sciences.  The analyser is Read more about Biochemistry Analyser[…]